The Forgotten Youth
After the fall of communism in 1990, as a country, Romania had one of the highest numbers of orphans. Adding to this hardship, a large number of the orphans had disabilities. Orphanages for those over the age of 18 were either run by nonprofits or a very few by the government. Most of these orphanages did not have enough space to house the disabled orphans or even access to basic hygienic items. One of the first projects within Romania that RMC started was The Forgotten Youth project. Here we supported numerous orphanages that housed disabled orphans. With each orphanage, we took them out to various locations where they were taught about the Bible, and also given clothes, personal hygienic items, and books for reading. RMC also created a foster care system for the disabled orphans and the first implementation saw 200 children finding housing and families to care for them.