Build Indoor Kitchen for F.I.S.H. Academy
The current kitchen of F.I.S.H. Academy is outside due to space constraints. This kitchen is currently feeding 4oo students and staff, however, it is inefficient and very difficult to maneuver, especially when the weather is not favorable. The plan is to extend a portion of one of our F.I.S.H. academy’s buildings, adding a stove, oven, […]
Ship Packages to Romania and Moldova
We receive so many donated items for Romania and Moldova yearly. From clothes, to building materials, to computers, to basic hygiene products. We send an average of two shipping containers per year into the port of Constanta, Romania. From here, our missionaries disperse the materials where needed. This operational cost is $3,000 per shipping container; […]
Imprint Radio Operation
Reaching the people of South Sudan in the most remote areas is not an easy task. Imprint Radio operates 24/7, broadcasting sermons, worship music, community call-in hours, and morning shows with an operational cost of $27,000 per year. This cost covers the electricity and generator cost, solar panel maintenance, antenna transmission, staff, content creation and […]
F.I.S.H. Academy
With just about 300 enrolled students, the cost to operate F.I.S.H. Academy needs to be met every year. At RMC we work around the clock to ensure that our current students are able to keep attending our academy. As one of the top-rated schools within South Sudan, and the top within the county, it is […]
Purchase of Land to Expand School and Radio Station
F.I.S.H. Academy is growing and growing faster than our ability to service the youth of South Sudan. With just over 400 students enrolled, and a waiting list of over 200 students, we need to expand the academy. The land we would like to purchase is adjacent to our existing F.I.S.H. Academy. With this new land […]
Expand Current F.I.S.H. Academy Dormitories
As the number of students have increased, with most needing housing, the current dormitories are at full capacity. We are in need of expanding both the girl’s and boy’s dormitories to house an additional one hundred students. Last year, we started building the dormitories, however, with the dollar’s fall, materials and labor increased and the […]
Prison Ministry & Street Evangelism Operation
The prisons of South Sudan have one of the worst conditions that we have seen. Our goal is to provide basic hygienic materials, clothes, beds, blankets, and basic healthcare medications. The prisons do not have restrooms; the prisoners currently use buckets in the corner and then dispose of them during courtyard free time, which, in […]
Add Additional Antenna Tower and Building to Expand Imprint Radio’s Reach
Imprint Radio’s impact on the communities of South Sudan is life changing. Change can be seen within villages that once did not understand the Word, but now their lives have been changed. Our goal is to continue this impact further into South Sudan, with a new tower and a building to house all the necessary […]